
Smiles are everywhere. They really are, you just have to look for them. I am dedicating this blog to finding those smiles out in the world and posting them on here. If you have smiles to share, email me at smilesareeverywhere@gmail.com and remember that if you want credited, include your name.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parking Meter Smile

There are so many things that could be the eyes... and even the mouth too. I picked the little round black things beside where the money goes in for eyes and the white line box for the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!Where's this photo taken? I don't think the meters in the city here look like this. Next time I'm in town, I'm going to "inconspicuously check them out!"
    I too picked the white line box for the mouth too because I think the arrows pointing up are like smile lines and seem as if to say, "SMILE!"
